1 | Juara 1 | First Best Presenter in the 1st Annual Virtual Conference of Education of Science (AVES) held bi Faculty of Education and Teacher Training, Insitut Agama Islam Negeri Ponorogo | Internasional | 2021 | Sertifikat |
2 | Juara 1 | 1st Best Paper The 3rd International Conference Of ISlamic Studies (ICIS) 2022, Institu Agama Islam Negeri Ponorogo 2022 | Internasional | 2022 | Sertifikat |
3 | Juara 1 | The Favorite Presenter Annual International Conference of Islamic Education for Students (AICOIES) 2022 : Indigenious Culture Based Islamic Educating for Moderating religious Expression in the Public Sphere"21-23 June 2022 | Internasional | 2022 | Sertifikat |
4 | Juara 1 | Gold Award in recognition of participation in the international competiton of research, idea and innovation on teaching and learning 2022 | Internasional | 2022 | Sertifikat |
5 | Juara 1 | The best Presenter the 2nd Annual International Conference on Islamic Education for Student (AICOIES) 2023 Theme : Enriching Future Generations through Islamic Character Education in Building Milenial Religious Moderations, UIN Sumatera Utara Medan | Internasional | 2023 | Sertifikat |
6 | Juara 1 | Best Presenter in greateful acknowledegement of your distinuised and invaluable service during 2nd International Conference Early Childhood Education in Multiperspective eith Theme "Early Childhood Education in The Locality and Community Context", UIN Prof K.H. Saifudin Zuhri Purwokerto | Internasional | 2023 | Sertifikat |
7 | Juara 1 | 1st Best paper in the 3rd Annual Virtual Conference of Education of Science (AVES) held bi Faculty of Education and Teacher Training, Insitut Agama Islam Negeri Ponorogo | Internasional | 2023 | Sertifikat |
8 | Juara 2 | The 2nd Best Paper The Third FUAD Conference Of Islamic Studies, Main Theme: Discovering New Lansdvcape Of Islamic Studies on Contemporary Society, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Ponorogo | Internasional | 2022 | Sertifikat |
9 | Juara 2 | The 2nd Best Paper The 3rd International Conference Of ISlamic Studies (ICIS) 2022, Institu Agama Islam Negeri Ponorogo 2022 | Internasional | 2022 | Sertifikat |
10 | Juara 2 | The 2nd Best Paper The Second FUAD Conference Of Islamic Studies, Main Theme: Current Trends of Islamic and Catolic Comunication Styles in the village of klepu Ponorogo, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Ponorogo | Internasional | 2022 | Sertifikat |
11 | Juara 2 | The 2nd Best paper in the 3rd Annual Virtual Conference of Education of Science (AVES) held bi Faculty of Education and Teacher Training, Insitut Agama Islam Negeri Ponorogo | Internasional | 2023 | Sertifikat |
12 | Juara 3 | International Competition: Developing a Suitable Learning Media for Young Children Organized by Early Childhood Teacher Education Faculthy of Education | Internasional | 2020 | Sertifikat |
13 | Juara 3 | The 3rd Winner in The International Competition: Developing a suitable Learning Media for Young Children Organzed by Early Childhood Teacher Educatin Faculthy of educatinUnersitasn Negeri Semarang | Internasional | 2020 | Sertifikat |
14 | Juara 3 | The 3nd Best Paper The 3rd International Conference Of ISlamic Studies (ICIS) 2022, Institu Agama Islam Negeri Ponorogo 2022 | Internasional | 2022 | Sertifikat |
15 | Juara 3 | The 3rd Best Paper The Second FUAD Conference Of Islamic Studies, Main Theme: Current Trends on Islamics Studies in the Post-Pandemid Era , Institut Agama Islam Ponorogo 2022 | Internasional | 2022 | Sertifikat |
16 | Juara 3 | The 3rd Best Paper The Third FUAD Conference Of Islamic Studies, Main Theme: Discovering New Lansdvcape Of Islamic Studies on Contemporary Society, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Ponorogo | Internasional | 2022 | Sertifikat |
17 | Juara 3 | The 3rd Best Paper The 3rd International Conference Of ISlamic Studies (ICIS) 2022, Institu Agama Islam Negeri Ponorogo | Internasional | 2022 | Sertifikat |
18 | Juara 3 | The 3rd Best Paper The Second FUAD Conference Of Islamic Studies, Main Theme: Current Trends of Islamic and Catolic Comunication Styles in the village of klepu Ponorogo, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Ponorogo | Internasional | 2022 | Sertifikat |
19 | Juara 3 | Bronze Award in recognition of participation in the international competiton of research, idea and innovation on teaching and learning 2022 | Internasional | 2022 | Sertifikat |
20 | Juara 3 | Bronze Award for meritirous achievement International Research project Olimpiad (IRPro) 2023 host by Indonesia Scientific Society (ISS), in Bandung Indonesia | Internasional | 2023 | Sertifikat |
21 | Juara 1 | Lomba literasi Inovasi dan Teknologi Olimpiade Agama, Sains dan Riset PTKIN II di UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta | Nasional | 2023 | Sertifikat |
22 | Juara 1 | Lomba Scool Plan Competetetion Nasional di UIN Sayyid Rahmatullah Tulungagung | Nasional | 2023 | Sertifikat |
23 | Juara 1 | National Bisnis Competition dalam rangkaian GenBI Festival 2.0 Chapter UNIDA Gontor | Nasional | 2023 | Sertifikat |
24 | Juara 1 | Lomba Debat Ilmiah Tingkat Nasional dalam acara Festival Cinta Buku Nasional (FCB) XII di Institut Ilmu Keislaman Annuqayah | Nasional | 2023 | Sertifikat |
25 | Juara 2 | Lomba Video Pembelajaran AUD di UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim | Nasional | 2021 | Sertifikat |
26 | Juara 2 | Lomba Microteaching pada perlombaan biadang akademik dan non akademik Gebyar Kemerdekaan RI , UIN Sumatera Utara Medan | Nasional | 2021 | Sertifikat |
27 | Juara 2 | Lomba Vidio Pembelajaran Tingkat Nasional yang diselenggarakan UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim | Nasional | 2022 | Sertifikat |
28 | Juara 2 | Lomba peradilan semu pada ShariaFaculty-National Moot Court Competition (SF-NMCC) ke-4 di IAIN Metro Lampung | Nasional | 2022 | Sertifikat |
29 | Juara 2 | Lomba School Plan Nasional di UIN Sayyid Rahmatullah Tulungagung, nama | Nasional | 2023 | Sertifikat |
30 | Juara 2 | Lomba Karya tulis Al-Qur'an Olimpiade Agama, Sains dan Riset PTKIN II di UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta | Nasional | 2023 | Sertifikat |
31 | Juara 2 | Lomba Scool Plain Competetetion Nasional di UIN Sayyid Rahmatullah Tulungagung | Nasional | 2023 | Sertifikat |
32 | Juara 2 | Lomba Karya Tulis Ilmiah LKTIN IDEA Universitas Negeri Jakarta | Nasional | 2023 | Sertifikat |
33 | Juara 2 | Lomba Kreatif Video Nasional G-Fest 2.0 UNIDA Gontor | Nasional | 2023 | Sertifikat |
34 | Juara 2 | Lomba Microteaching dalam rangka kegiatan Gemerlap XI 2023 HMP PG PAUD FIP UTM | Nasional | 2023 | Sertifikat |
35 | Juara 2 | Lomba Microteaching di UIN KH. Abdurrahman Wahid Pekalongan | Nasional | 2023 | Sertifikat |
36 | Juara 2 | Lomba Microteaching di IAI Ciamis | Nasional | 2023 | Sertifikat |
37 | Juara 2 | Lomba APE di PG PAUD FIP UNP | Nasional | 2023 | Sertifikat |
38 | Juara 2 | Lomba Story Telling pada OASE PTKIN II | Nasional | 2023 | Sertifikat |
39 | Juara 3 | Lomba Karya Tulis Ilmiah LKTIN HMJ PGSD UNESA | Nasional | 2022 | Sertifikat |
40 | Juara 3 | Lomba Video Pembelajaran STAIN YPBWI Surabaya | Nasional | 2022 | Sertifikat |
41 | Juara 3 | Juara 3 Lomba Vidio Pembelajaran Tingkat Nasional di STAI YBWI Surabaya | Nasional | 2022 | Sertifikat |
42 | Juara 3 | Lomba Video Simulasi Mengajar Gebyar PAUD UPI Purwakarta | Nasional | 2023 | Sertifikat |
43 | Juara 3 | Lomba Microteaching dalam gebyar Mahakarya FKIP Uiversitas Sriwijaya | Nasional | 2023 | Sertifikat |
44 | Juara 3 | Karya Inovasi Sosial Keagamaan Porsi Jawara I PTKIN 2023 U=di UIN KHAS Jember | Nasional | 2023 | Sertifikat |
45 | Juara 3 | Lomba Media Pembelajaran di Universitas Nusantara PGRI Kediri | Nasional | 2023 | Sertifikat |
46 | Juara 2 | Lomba Story Telling pada Kegiatan Gebyar PGMI VI | Lokal | 2023 | Sertifikat |
47 | Juara 2 | Lomba Microteaching pada Kegiatan Gebyar PGMI VI | Lokal | 2023 | Sertifikat |
48 | Juara 2 | Lomba Microteaching pada Kegiatan PIAUD Bertabur Bintang | Lokal | 2023 | Sertifikat |